We are excited to share the news about our first networkx X POLO & Lifestyle the London Magazine Awards 2023 in Germany
We are feeling very grateful and blessed to know so many authentic, kind-hearted and collaborative individuals, super networkers and connectors but also super collaborative businesses.
So we POLO & Lifestyle the London Magazine decided to partner with networkx and founder Dr. Priscilla Schelp and launch our networkx X POLO & Lifestyle the London Magazine Awards.
The firs event took place in Germany at the Polo Park Berlin on the 17th of June at the National German Low Goal Polo Championship with organizer Thomas Strunck CEO of Baltic Polo Events.
We honored and celebrated individuals and companies (in general & in the luxury sector), that make us feel – the future is bright.
These are the 6 award categories:
- Superself Award
- Supernetworker Award
- Superconnector Award
- Most collaborative Individual in Luxury Sports Award
- Most collaborative Luxury Lifestyle & Living Business Award
- Most collaborative Beauty & Fashion Business Award
Top 10 winner in the category Superself:
Anna Alex
Julia Bösch
Hinnerk Smolka
Iliana Gross-Buening
Björn Radde
Franziska Pohlmann
Anita Griesbeck
Roxana Popet
Claudia Scheffler-Perrone
Veronica Guguian
Ilana Devillers
Courtney Furner
Marc-René Simon
Selected by our our Jury members: Dr. Katrin Hinzdorf, Thomas Weidlich, Amanda Fornal and Julia Kounlavong
Top 10 winner in the category Supernetworker:
Arina Zonner
Björn Radde
Sandra Raudies
Ina von Holly
Dirk Benninghoff
Dirk Schuran
Michael Wedell
Klaus Eck
Jürgen Schmitt
Miriam Wohlfarth
Selected by our our Jury members: Markus Härlin, Tim von Törne and Mirjam Berle
Top 10 winner in the category Superconnector:
Mario Paladini
Marc-René Simon
Conny Gärtner
Kai Malkwitz
Katja Porsch
Gabriele Haessig
Sabahattin Cakiral
Pascal Pieper
Dr. Birgit Happel
Mandy Hindenburg
Carolin Wagner
Selected by our our Jury members: Mirco Dragowski, Birgit Hass, Irene Kubiki and Dr. Mareike Martini
Top 10 winner in the category Luxury Sport:
Nils Rüstmann
Frank Singer
Rohen Berry
Christian Völkers
Reto Gaudenzi
Dr. Jürgen Schröder
Thomas Strunck
Thomas Winter
Christopher Kirsch
Patrick Maleitzke
Selected by our our Jury members: Scarlett Stilling, Jan-Erik Franck, Jens Fritsch and Romy Kölzer
Top 10 winner in the category Luxury Lifestyle & Living:
Outlaw Rum
Soho House Berlin
Maison Banraf
The Store Berlin
Ava & May
Swatch Group-Omega
The Stue Hotel
Selected by our our Jury members: Kathrin Birk and Scarlett Stilling
Top 10 winner in the category Beauty & Fashion:
Carina Beauty
Juno & me
The Female Company
Urban Scents
Und Gretel
Stop The Water While Using Me
Nui Cosmetics
Selected by our our Jury members: Jeanette Okwu and Scarlett Stilling
The winners received their are award at our great celebration on the 17th of June at the National German Low Goal Polo Championship at Polopark Berlin.
Thanks to our fellow organizers POLO & Lifestyle The London Magazine, networkx.app by Dr. Priscilla Schelp, Baltic Polo Events Timmendorfer by Thomas Strunck