In conversation with Daniel and Marina von Lison of the most exclusive private club, the International Business Elite Club
Marina and Daniel, it’s always interesting how the noble title could influence the social life. Tell us more about your background, family tree, noble titles of Baron and Baroness.
Daniel: In some countries it no longer exists, but in most European countries it still does, it has only lost its privileges- the nobility. It is mostly known from the rainbow press and the social columns of the newspapers. Most of the nobles do not live the way the rainbow press likes to portray them. Parties, glitter, jetsetters life. Even nobles must work today for their living, have visions and ideas that they want to realize like other persons do. Most aristocrats are masters on the social floor and in small talk. On social occasions they usually behave in a friendly and jovial manner, giving the impression that they are open and accessible to everyone, but in normal life they are often reserved, even dismissive and seemingly arrogant. Many aristocrats are endearing, humane people with interesting ideas and visions. Unfortunately, they hide their humanity and true thoughts, often out of fear and concern, to lose their acceptance within the aristocratic society. The majority of aristocrats are an important force for a healthy, positive and stable social fabric.
Marina: The life of the nobles is dominated by centuries-old traditions, by the sense of ethics and a code of conduct within this society. The kind of behavior, how to dress or deal with other people. This Code of Conduct sets out exactly what is allowed and what is not, what is desired and what is not, and only who complies with this Code is accepted. Anyone who violates this code of conduct is very quickly marginalized by certain sections of the nobility. Daniel’s family, the Barons of Lison, come from the ancient Milanese family of an old-Bohemian knightly family, who were awarded the title “Baron of Lison” in 1608 and are included in the hereditary imperial aristocracy. They were Italian talented artists and the monarch granted them a Noble title almost 500 years ago, so you see from whom my husband has inherited his music talent and willingness to be always under focus of cameras.
Daniel: Since 1919, nobility titles, nobility and surname have melted together in Germany into a single term – the NAME – and that follows today the 2nd Civil Law (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). The title of nobility Baron, Freiherr, Count, etc. are still widespread. Even today, many elderly gentlemen of the nobility still live, who throughout their life have addressed an older noble lady with “Frau Baronin”. It is not about the question of the right titling, but about the effort to be chivalrous. In Great Britain, Baron (alternatively titled Lord) and Baroness are titles of nobility, often inherited and belonging to someone who has a seat in the House of Lords. Modern Baronesses include e.g. Margaret Thatcher, Charlotte Vere. Meanwhile Alan Sugar, Andrew Lloyd-Webber and John Kerr, a Scottish former diplomat, are among the Barons of today. You don’t have to be born into nobility, or inherit a peerage, to be a Baroness or a Baron. You can receive a noble title on proposal by the Prime Minister, with the approval of H.M. the Queen, of course. If that seems like a lot of pressure, don’t worry. You can also marry into nobility to get the title like my charming wife did.

Tell us more about Elite Club. When was it invented? By whom? What is the main purpose and the concept of this very special Community?
Marina: The Concept of Elite Club was established by Daniel`s Father, Chevalier Thaddäus Baron von Lison, in 2010 who is himself a successful entrepreneur and the Grand Prior for Germany of the Order of St. Stanislas which we will treat later. Thaddäus Baron von Lison as a President of Elite Club saw the concept of the business club as a global association of people with chivalric behavior who are willing to recognize the social problems of our time and unselfishly contribute to their solution. To be more specific: The ELITE CLUB is an international consortium of outstanding personalities (celebrities, VIP persons, famous artists, business tycoons and just everybody who has a good heart and willingness to help other people), a pact which follows clear vision and clear philanthropic missions. The Elite Club seeks to encourage noble ladies and gentlemen of good breeding into chivalric behavior and, with an increased understanding of their role as global ambassadors of honor.
Daniel: My Father and I had some discussions in the beginning whether we would want to keep all the meetings and events on one location or give our members the opportunity to be present in different top venues in the world, and we came to the conclusion that Elite Club should not be tied to one location but regularly holds meetings, events, lunches, receptions, charity fund raising events, in some of the most prestigious venues in Europe, in castles or Luxury Hotels. Our latest Charity Gala Dinner on 26th October 2019 at the Café de Paris Monte Carlo was an excellent example how to gather all VIP´s, Celebrities, famous artists and Business Tycoons under one roof and to raise funds for our charitable programs.
Who gets the opportunity to join the Club and which benefits the membership gives?
Marina: Anyone who is involved in positive development of society with a goal to contribute to charity programs in modern times has the opportunity to join the Club. The Club’s headquarter is in Germany, we have also several branches you can contact locally in case of any questions regarding the membership, business and charitable projects. The main mission of our business Club is the recognition of business leaders, captains of industry and research & development, cultural and scientific personalities. The Elite Club is essentially, apart from the charitable events, very often present at exclusive sports and culture events. Members enjoy a range of benefits including invitations to special events, discounts and offers, through carefully selected partner organizations, which they access via their unique Membership.
Daniel: The Membership of the Elite Club gives you the opportunity for mingling for business or social reasons with potential business partners, celebrities, politicians, nobility and even royalty. Of course, our readers want to know what are the benefits of adhering to the club? Here are some of them:
- Invitations to selected meetings, lectures and conferences that allow members to keep abreast of key issues in current affairs and business.
- Regular business and social networking events and fund-raising events for charity.
- A social calendar of popular music, sporting, Gala Dinners and other organized events.
Our latest event -Charity Gala Dinner on 26th October in Cafe de Paris Monte Carlo gathered some significant personalities and business persons who got acquainted with each other and this led to some top-level business ideas and projects we are working on, now. In every day’s busy life it might be a challenge to meet trustful, like-minded people so we give our members the chance to build up a new business or expand the existed one.

Who are your biggest supporters today?
Marina: My parents have definitely played a huge role on my life and have guided me the right way. My mom always had great morals from the start, and I wanted to be like her because she seemed to be on the right path and knew the difference between right and wrong. I have always been a good student, daughter, now wife. These are due to the morals my parents taught me from a young age. And of course my husband – cliché as it sounds, but these men are the biggest reason why women are able to stand tall and achieve just as much as their male counterparts. I can’t stop admiring my husband Daniel. Every day. I am an incredibly blessed, fortunately, and very thankful woman to have someone like Daniel. He completes me, he catches me when I stumble, and he makes me feel like I can do anything.
Daniel: Dad. My Mentor. In every possible sense. Financially, emotionally and mentally. He has been the most guiding help all throughout my life. I can’t remember any single problem in my life when I haven’t either asked him for guidance or first, wondered how he would solve it. The latter has become a habit now. He has always, always been there for me. In all successes and all failures. At all times when I’ve felt lonely, I talked to him or went on a walk with him. He sets everything alright. He gives me courage and hope to deal with it on my own. I have been pampered and scolded, just in the right amounts. I have nothing to be more thankful for, than for the amazing set of parents, I’ve been bestowed with. And nowadays I am very happy that I also have my lovely wife by my side. No matter what the situation is, she always pulls me out of it with her smile and her motivational speech.
Do you have other projects? Daniel, we know that you are owning Luxury Real Estate Agency, tell us more about it.
Daniel: BVL Real Estate is an exclusive company which is specializing in the sales of premium residential property and commercial real estate. Together with the support of a highly experienced team, I am responsible for some of the world’s most influential and affluent clientele. For those who are looking to sell their luxury estates, our experienced associates are equipped with the marketing tools needed to ensure your property is impeccably presented to the audience of qualified and interested buyers on a global level. Whether you are looking for the excitement and sophistication of an urban condominium or penthouse, a historic estate or for the quiet rural charm of a farm and ranch property, our experienced network of real estate professionals is here to guide you every step of the way. We enjoy representing luxury real estate and take great pleasure in helping our extraordinary clients discover their next home. We service all types of properties for both purchase and rental including homes, condos, villas and even castles. With our superior experience and real estate options, we have successfully satisfied customers with the widest range of interests and demands, from luxuriant lifestyles of lake, waterfront and island homes to the active living of golf, ski and equestrian properties.
We understand our client’s passion, their vision, their goals and their needs and these criteria keep us afloat as one of the Real Estate market leaders.
Marina: To put aside our family business Elite Club, I´d like to tell you that I represent in Germany the Russian-Ukrainian Luxury Fashion Brand Sol Angelann which creates unique wonderful dresses using real Swarowski crystals in every possible color. Just imagine how sparkling and special you feel when you put on this dress and go out for dinner or visit Gala. All eyes are just on you ☺ I had first several appearances in Diamond Dresses on some international events and simply fell in love with beautiful design, high quality and feminine silhouettes. Afterwards my good friend and one of 2 brand`s owners Anna Chibisova asked me if I would like to represent a brand in Germany and I was like why not? Fashion has always been one of my passions. These dresses are very popular by Hollywood celebrities who choose them for red carpet events but also among many women who want to feel special and have a dress that makes sure you will shine like millions of diamonds. Sol Angelann have boutiques in Moscow, Kiev, Dubai, Katar, Paris and now I am thrilled to announce that we have offered since January 2020 sparkling dresses also in Wiesbaden, Germany, exclusively in der Boutique Daniel Thiel. Femininity, Elegance, Style and Glamour- it is all about Sol Angelann.

What is the plan for the nearest future? Do you plan to target other countries in terms of the Club’s development?
Daniel: We target to open 3 new branches of Elite Club in 3 different countries because the branch office is one of the more streamlined business structures a company has at its disposal when exploring the possibility of expanding its activities abroad. Businesses looking to expand and benefit from new markets need to decide wisely if they will open a subsidiary or a branch of their existing company based on the pros and cons of each type of entity. Bearing in mind that each business type has its own advantages and disadvantages and the decision of opening one or another depends on the activities to be undertaken by the parent company. When opening a branch office in a foreign country, there are numerous aspects that should be considered as you understand. We are happy to have a professional team who is willing to give us support in every detail to make the new branch operate as smoothly as possible.
Which Charity foundations do you support?
Marina: At the Elite Club, we believe the sustainability of our planet – and the wellbeing of all the people in it – is everyone’s responsibility. That’s why we partner with passionate, and often, grassroots charities who, like us, are striving to do good in the world. The Elite Club is committed to addressing disadvantage and making a tangible difference to the lives of the people in our community. We partner with like-minded local organizations to fund explicit projects and activities that have clearly defined timelines and outcomes and in doing so, provide real support where it is most needed. We aim to start a new milestone in providing financial support for an Austrian foundation for highly gifted children. I believe this project with raising funds during our Charity Galas will be of huge meaning for musically highly gifted children and open many of them doors to the real world of music and fulfill their dreams. When I told Daniel about this idea, he immediately loved it and gave his full support and recognition as he comes from the professional music world and I know what music means to him.
Daniel: The German Grand Priory, under which patronage our International Elite Club exists, supports humanitarian institutions and organizations, which, wherever in the world, accept the plight of people by means of actions, donations in commodities and money. We also promote cultural, artistic and other events worthy of recognition of the Order. The German Grand Priory is the only one in the world which has in its program Music projects as an aid to the sick, the weak and the disabled to improve and beautify everyday life to alleviate suffering caused by a variety of causes. All our Charity Gala dinners and other events within each year raise funds and, to name one of the charity foundations we work together, we can point out the Natureheart Foundation (former Phytokids Foundation) to help and support children in Germany, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Warm lunch for disabled children and orphans, financing of psychologists for the treatment of severely traumatized children in Moscow, Kiev and Astana, complete refurbishment and repair of the orphanage in Bishkek are just some examples of our efforts to help the world.
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